
Field Studies on bird damage to the guava (Psidiumguajava) orchards were carried out in protected and unprotected conditions at Kongara Village of Ibrahimpatnammandal, Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad,Telangana State. The Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittaculakrameri), and other bird pests were also observed in damaging the unprotected guava orchard. The orchard of 60 trees were was unprotected and damage caused due to bird pests was heavy and yield was recorded as very less (8kg/tree) and its total yield was 480 kg. Half part of the orchard(60 trees) 300 meters away from the main orchard were was protected by bird scarers, where damage was found negligible and its yield was 24kg/tree, and the total yield was 1440 kg. The damage due to birds pest during morning hours was 36.17%, and during evening hours 48.68% was observed under unprotected conditions. The yield of 60 trees of an unprotected orchard compared with the yield obtained from the 60 trees of a protected orchard and the cost -cost-benefit ratio was nearly 1:4.00.It is suggested that engaging bird scarers, wire netting or other eco-friendly methods must protect the orchards, particularly during the fruits ripening stage until the harvest of the crop.