1Department of Food and Nutrition, Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Palem, PJTSAU Nagarkurnool District, 509215, India

2Department of Home Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Mamnoor, PVNRTVU Warangal District, 506166, India

3Quality control lab, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500030, India

Corresponding Author Email: afifajahan26@gmail.com

DOI : https://doi.org/10.58321/AATCCReview.2023.11.02.267


anti-helminthic/ antiprotozoal activity, Antidiabetic, antidiarrhoeal, antifungal and antibacterial, Cinnamomum tamala, gastroprotective, Lauraceae family, Tejpatta

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Bay Leaf (Cinnamomum tamala) is an aromatic leaf of the Lauraceae family commonly known as “Tejpatta” in India with various medicinal properties. Usually cultivated at 500m to 2200m altitude in sub-montane and montane Himalayas. It’s a perennial or small evergreen tree, attaining 8-12 meters in height and a girth of 150 cm. Due to its high flavors, it’s usually used in Biryanis, soups, and vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, diarrhea, colic, enlargement of the spleen, and snakebite due to its antibacterial and -anti-fungal properties. It has hyperlipidemic, anti-diabetic activity, gastroprotective, anti-helminthic/ antiprotozoal activity, antidiarrhoeal, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. In the present study, 300 samples were selected and motivated to consume bay leaf tea for six months instead of Milk tea. Bay Leaf tea consumption was initially not appreciated but consumption over time till 6 months in replacement of milk tea was 100% accepted. The association of acceptability of Bay tea over time was studied with a chi-square test and found significant at a 1% the level of significance. The association of acceptability of Bay tea over time was studied with a Regression test and found significant at a 1% of the level of significance. Hence with an increase in days, the acceptability of Bay leaf Tea has increased.


 Bay leaf (Cinnamomum tamala) belongs to the family of Lauraceae. It is an aromatic leaf classified in spices commonly called “Tejpatta” with high medicinal properties to treat various health ailments and used in Ayurveda [1]. It is usually a culinary ingredient used as dried or fresh leaves [2]. The fresh leaves are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and B vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, dietary fiber and natural antioxidants [3]. However, the dried leaves also give their best flavour and are used extensively to prepare delicious Biryani, Mughlai vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes and spice powders, etc [4]. Hence it’s usually referred as Biryani Leaf in Telangana.

These plants are native to India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. It is also found in tropical and subtropical Asia, Australia, the Pacific region, and South Asia [5]. Commonly occurs at 500m to 2200m altitude in sub-montane and montane Himalayas. It’s a perennial or small evergreen tree, attaining 8-12 meters in height and a girth of 150 cm.  Cinnamomum family contains about 55 genera and over 2000 species worldwide [6]. In India it is usually cultivated in tropical and subtropical Himalayas at an altitude of 900-2500 m in the regions of Khasi hills, Nilgiri hills, Meghalaya, Manipur, and Sikkim [7]. Uttarakhand Tejpat received a geopgraphical indication Tag (GI) in the year 2016. There are 8 special species cultivated in the Himalayan region that is Cinnamomum bejolghota (Buch-Ham) Sweet, Cinnamomum comphora (L.) J. presl, Cinnamomum glanduliferum (wall.) Meisn, Cinnamomum glaucescens (Nees) Hand-Mazz., Cinnamomum impressinervium Mesin, Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meism., Cinnamomum tamala (BuchHam) Nees and Eberm., and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn. In all of the above species, C. tamala is reported the improvement in digestion as well as appetite stimulation [8].

Food industries are commonly used it due to their special aroma [9] and hypoglyacemic and hypolipidemic properties [10]. Bay leaf is used in meat and fast food seasonings, sauces and pickles, baked goods, confectionery, cola-type drinks, tobacco flavors, and in dental and pharmaceutical preparations [11] and also as a preservative for pineapple juices [12]. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, diarrhoea, colic, enlargement of the spleen, and snakebite due to its antibacterial and anti fungal properties [13]. It also has antidiabetic, diuretic and appetite stimulant properties [14]. It is also proven to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers [15]. It is used for the treatment of anorexia, bladder disorders, dryness of mouth, coryza, diarrhea, nausea and spermatorhea [16].

Apart from Vitamins and Minerals its rich in some essential oils like cineol (50%) eugenol, chavicol, acetyl eugenol, methyl eugenol, α and ß-pinene, phellandrene, linalool, geraniol, and terpineol [17]. Bay leaf oil is medicinally used as a carminative, anti-flatulent, diuretic, and in cardiac disorders [18]. These essential oils extracted from Bay Leaf are used in many traditional practices of medicine for the treatment of arthritis, muscle pain, bronchitis, and flu symptoms [19]. They are also utilized in the cosmetic and perfumery industries including their usage in soap and toothpaste. These essential oils extracted from Bay Leaf are reported to have chemoprotective activity [20]. These leaves help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system function, and regulating body metabolism [21].

These leaf oil has many bioactive compounds including Furanogermenone, β- caryophyllene, ermacerened, curcumenol, curzerenone, furanodiene and furanodienone and these chemical compounds are reported to possess various pharmacological activities such as anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-diabetic activity, gastroprotective, anti-helminthic/ antiprotozoal activity, antidiarrhoeal, antifungal and antibacterial [22]. The three compounds quercetin, laempferol and quercetrin of Cinnamomum leaf is responsible for antioxidant activity[23-24]. These oil extracts are beneficial in curing eczema-like skin disorders [25] and are also used against wound infections. It also helps in the treatment of asthma by removing extra mucus from the lungs by melting it due to its hot potency [26]. The dried leaves and bark of Tejpatta were prescribed for fever, anemia, body odour, mouth refresher, and used in chewing gums for dental problems like reducing tooth pain [27]. As these herbs are natural their formulations are associated with negligible toxicity and are free from any kind of adulteration [28].


Objective: The main objective of this study was to test the acceptability of bay leaf tea and assess its attributes.

Study Area: The study was carried out for 3 years 2020 to 2022 in Nagarkurnool district of Telangana state, India.

Study Subject: Studied for 300 sample size at Nagarkurnool district of Telangana state.

Sampling technique: Convenience sampling technique is followed as subjects consuming milk tea are selected for the study purposively to study the difference between both types of teas (Milk tea and Bay leaf tea) and to document attributes of Bay leaf tea

Data collection: The basic family economic, health, frequency of consumption of tea and supplementary data for the study is collected through questionnaire method.

Intervention: There are three components in intervention of the present study a. Nutritional education programs, b. Method demonstrations and c. Consumption of Bay leaf tea.

  1. Nutritional education programs: Under nutritional awareness programs Dr.Afifa Jahan scientist, KVK-Palem has conducted awareness camps, group meetings, and diagnostic field visits to sensitize farmers and farm women about the importance of Bay leaf and the consumption of Bay leaf tea in the district. As it is an underutilized spice with Nutraceutical properties.
  2. Method demonstrations: Under this, the farm women and farmers were given first-hand training in the preparartion of Bay leaf tea in different villages of  Nagarkurnool District.
  3. Consumption of Bay leaf tea: Farm women and farmers were encouraged to start the consumption of Bay leaf tea as a substitute to milk tea and every year 100 samples were given free Bay leaf tea powder. In three years 300 farmers and farm women were selected and given Bay leaf tea powder prepared at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem, Nagarkurnool district following the procedure described by [29].

Data analysis: The SPSS software was used for the analysis of the data. Chi square test and Regression test is done to study the acceptability of Bay leaf Tea over a period of 180 days.


 The main objective of the study was to create awareness about the bay leaf and incorporate healthy lifestyle modification of consumption of Bay leaf tea than milk tea and to test the acceptability of the bay leaf tea and assess its attributes. In the present study during the year 2020 hundred samples were selected and given awareness and method demonstration for the preparation of Bay leaf Tea, during the year 2021 hundred samples were selected and given awareness and method demonstration for the preparation of Bay leaf Tea and during 2022 hundred samples were selected and given awareness and method demonstration for preparation of Bay leaf Tea. The selected samples were given bay leaf tea powder and instructed to consume it for six months. The pre and post-test results were collected.  All three hundred samples were assessed about the acceptability, taste, and benefits they found after consumption of bay leaf tea for six months. The tea was prepared by the method described by [29]. The Nutritional Value was calculated and given in Table I 

Table I Nutritional composition of Bay leaf tea compared to Milk Tea

Nutritional CompoundsCheck (Milk Tea)Demo (Bay Leaf Tea)
Calories10 cal2 cal
Carbohydrates0.85 g0.47 g
Protein0.53 g0 g
Fat0.47 g0 g

Results: The three hundred samples were assessed before the intake of tea through a questionnaire method. The majority of the the sample was addicted to the milk tea and was not accepting the Bay leaf tea but after continuous consumption, for about 6 months, 100% of sample accepted as shown in Table II and Fig I. the results of problems encountered with milk tea and Bay Leaf is explained in Table III.

Table II Acceptance of Bay Leaf tea compare to Milk tea from day 1 to day 180.

Acceptance of Bay Leaf tea compare to Milk tea
Day 1Day 30Day 60Day 90Day 120Day 150Day 180

Table III Problems encountered with Milk Tea and Bay Leaf Tea

S.No Problems encountered with Milk Tea and Bay Leaf Tea Milk Tea Bay Leaf Tea
1.Decrease in Burning sensation/bloating stomach100%
2.Decrease in Headache90%10 %
3.Decrease in Vomiting/ sensations100%
4.Cough reduction100%
5.Sneezing reduction100%
6.Weight loss100%
7.Hair fall reduction50%50%
8.Pimple reduction30%70%
9.Decrease in common Disease proneness100%

Fig. I Acceptance of Bay Leaf tea compare to Milk tea from day 1 to day 180

Fig. II Acceptance of Bay Leaf tea from day 1 to day 180

Statistical Analysis:

Bay Leaf tea consumption was initially not appreciated but consumption over time till 6 months in replacement of milk tea was 100% accepted. The association of the Bay leaf tea over time was tested with Chi-square test and found there is significant association at 1% level of significance. Hence with increase in days the acceptability of Bay leaf Tea increased.

Table IV Chi-square test

Chi-sq (calculated)=1056.34
Chi-sq for 6 d.f.(tab)=18.54758

The regression study over the time of acceptability of the tea was found significiant. The regression coefficient when studied with 300 sample size over 180 days has shown to be 1.74 which is significant at 1% level of significance as shown in the table V.

Table V Regression test

Regression Statistics
Multiple R0.98645212
R Square0.973087785
Adjusted R Square0.967705342
Standard Error20.53853165
 dfSSMSFSignificance F
 CoefficientsStandard Errort StatP-valueLower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%


 Cinnamomum tamala (tejpatta) Bay leaf is most underutilized spice with Nutraceutical properties. All parts of the plant possess many major bioactive chemical constituents like Cinnamaldehyde, trans-cinnamaldehyde, 3,4,5,7- tetrahydroxyflavone, 3,3,4,5,6- pentahydroflavone (nonglycoside compounds), kaempferol, eugenol etc. which can be used for various therapeutic activities. Though it has anti-diabetic, antiinflammatory, anti-microbial, antidiarehoeal, anti-fungal and hepatoprotective activity it use is mainly restricted to Indian cuisine. As its rich in Phyotochemicals and antioxidants its usage in the form of tea must be as daily encouraged. Value added Bay leaf products must be promoted as it possesses many pharmacological activities. Hence, with The results of present study we can conclude that over a period of time the acceptability of Bay leaf tea increased.


The authors are thankful to The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for providing funds along with the Director ATARI zone X for constant support during the study.


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