The basic core of agricultural education institute consists of three intra-curricular components like classroom teaching, experiential learning through supervised experiences and leadership activities to the students to gain knowledge and skill in their academic carrier. Experiential learning is fulfilled through RAWEP and AELP. Agricultural Graduates of B.Sc (Ag.) are exposed to learn the knowledge and skills by staying with contact (host) farmers in the village. Along with RAWEP, students were engaged in running of enterprise and gain self employment and self-confidence by establishing their own enterprise with the principle of learning while doing. Present study taken 90 B.Sc (Ag) graduates from Southern Telangana Zone of the state and reported that helps to improve diagnostic skills (98.88%), understanding various management practices in the farm (91.11%), gain the knowledge and skills by conducting the extension activities (92.22%), developing skills in farm budgeting (96.67%), whereas AELP develops technical competency on various best management practices in agriculture (93.33%).