The present research was conducted on the gizzard of 06 indigenous poultry of the Poonch
region. The gizzard wall consisted of tunica mucosa containing mucosal glands, tunica
submucosa, tunica muscularis and tunica serosa with an additional koilin layer. Lamina
epithelialis consisted of simple columnar epithelium. Lamina propria contained gastric glands
which were simple tubular branched in cranial and middle parts of the gizzard whereas simple
tubular glands in the caudal part. Lamina muscularis mucosae was absent except at few
locations towards the caudal part of the gizzard. The koilin layer, epithelium, lamina propria
submucosa and tunica muscularis were significantly thicker in the middle part of the gizzard.
The koilin layer, epithelium of mucosal folds and secretory material within the lumen of glands
showed positive PAS reaction. Superficial glands showed strong PAS reaction whereas the
deeper glands showed a positive reaction for Alcian Blue. The koilin layer showed a strong
reaction for basic proteins and a moderate reaction for lipids.