1PhD Agricultural Extension, PJTAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
2Director, EEI Hyderabad, Telangana, India
3Director of Extension, PJTAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
4Department of Agronomy, PJTAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
5Department of Statistics and Mathematics, PJTAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.04.483
Livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets, and activities required as the means of living. A
livelihood is considered secure when it can cope up with and recover from stress or shocks and
maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets. Interpreting farmer’s attitude towards Livelihood
security could be measured through attitude scale construction. In the current research study,
efforts were directed towards the development and standardization of a scale to measure the
livelihood security of the farmers in different agro-climatic zones of Telangana state. As a result,
a highly reliable and valid scale was developed. Likert-type scale was developed with statements
preparation and validation through juries’ method and relevancy score method. The scale was
pretested in a non-sample area. Item analysis of 64 statements reduced to 22attitude statements in
the final scale with accepted "t" values. The reliability test showed that the scale was reliable
through Cronbach alpha value of 0.79 and the split-half reliability full test value was 0.82 after
Spearman-Brown correction. The scale was found to be valid through content validity and a
known group method test. The scale was administered to a sample of 120 farmers with a point
continuum response. The farmers were categorized into five classes viz., least favorable, less
favorable, favorable, highly favorable and very highly favorable attitudes. Measuring attitudes
through a standardized scale of stakeholders facilitates future strategy and decision making by
policy makers. It can be further validated in meeting future challenges of Sustainable Livelihood