1ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, India

2Department of Home Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vonipenta, YSR District, Andhra Pradesh, India- 516 173

DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.03.105


automation, difficulty of operations, Drudgery index, ergonomic, farm women, improved practices, Millets, postural discomfort, traditional practices

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Women play an important role in post-harvest operations of millets and being labor-intensive using traditional methods leads to drudgery. The study examines drudgery and the impact of the adoption of selected improved practices based on ergonomic parameters over traditional practices. A purposive random sampling method was followed and a total of 112 women farmers of on millets were selected from Chalki and Gangapur villages in Sangareddy district of Telangana state. Data were collected directly from the farm women using pre-tested interview schedules and analysed using suitable statistical tools. There was a significant correlation found between the drudgery index in traditional practices and with physical profile of the women like age, height, and body mass index. With the increase in the age of the farm women, their strength in performing traditional practices becomes weak. Fifty percent of women felt that it was very easy to prepare flatbread using a power-operated flatbread machine. The drudgery in flatbread making was found to be reduced to moderate (58.51) and minimum (less than 50) levels and the same was in the four operations. Increased work output, reduced drudgery (35-88%) and time (31-90%), and minimized postural discomfort (moderate to very light pain) were recorded while using improved practices by them. Reduction in drudgery and time due to the use of improved practices resulted in postural comfort and reduced health issues concurrently, while leading to an increase in their income, millet consumption, and overall livelihood status. Designing improved tools, equipment, or work methods that should take the ergonomic and physical characteristics of women into account can help to lessen drudgery, especially in traditional millet production areas.

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