College of Agriculture, Nagpur Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra, India
Trial on effect of planting dates on pest incidence was conducted at Agriculture
Research Station, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara during kharif 2016 to kharif 2020 with an objective to
study the influence of date of planting on insect pest incidence and population dynamics in
paddy crops. Incidence of gall midge, stem borer, leaf folder, brown plant hopper, white
backed plant hopper and green leaf hopper was recorded in these trials. The results revealed
that, early planting significantly reduced the incidence of gall midge followed by normal
planting and highest incidence was exhibited in late planting. No significant difference was
found in incidence of stem borer in different planting. Low incidence of leaf folder, brown
plant hopper, white backed plant hopper and green leaf hopper were recorded in different
plantings. Highest The highest yield was exhibited in early planting and followed by normal