1Department of Extension Education, Odisha University of Agriculture And Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

2Department of Agricultural Extension, Gandhi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Rayagada, Odisha, India

3Department of Extension Education, Odisha University of Agriculture And Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Corresponding Author Email: debasmitanayak38@gmail.com

DOI : https://doi.org/10.58321/AATCCReview.2022.10.02.29


and Farming experiences, Annual income, Climate change, Education, Extension contact, Extent of adoption, Mass media exposure

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To enable farm people to increase their family food security, it is crucial to increase the extent to which diverse practises are adopted to combat climate change. The present study was undertaken to assess the extent of the adoption of different agricultural practices in rice crops in response to climate change. The study was conducted in the Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha . 2 blocks, 4 Gram panchayats, and 8 villages were chosen for the study 120 numbers of respondents by purposive sampling method. An ex-post facto research design was followed in this research. The findings of the study showed that giving protective irrigation in response to late monsoon with a mean score of 1.60 was the most adopted practice whereas resowing in case of low germination percentage with a mean score of 1.17 was the least adopted practice in the research area. Education, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contact, and farming experiences had a greater influence on the extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change. The conglomeration of education, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contact, and farming experiences of the farmers has attributed 75.3% to the extent of adoption of the practices.


Rapid climate change is posing a severe threat to sustainable development in many parts of the world. Global greenhouse gas emissions are increasing at an unprecedented rate, accelerating the effects of climate change. Thus, the effects of climate change on food security and agricultural livelihoods affect a large number of urban and rural communities worldwide. Reduced crop yields, soil erosion, and water scarcity brought on by climate variability and change have a considerable negative influence on agriculture and constitute a danger to livelihood and food security on a regional and global level [1-2].

. Due to their greater reliance on agriculture and allied sectors, these effects disproportionately harm the socioeconomic growth of developing countries [6]. South Asia is considered one of the world’s most susceptible regions, because of its significant susceptibility to hazards and calamities brought on by climate change [3-4]. Further evidence demonstrates that the region’s food security may be seriously harmed by diminishing agricultural productivity, where food production must quadruple by the end of this century [5].

Low-land rice is a water-intensive crop; therefore climate change has provided a significant challenge to it. Rice production is directly impacted by the fluctuation of climatic elements, including sun radiation, rainfall, and temperature, as these are crucial determinants of rice growth and development [8]. Rice production can be indirectly impacted by climate change due to water scarcity, altered soil moisture content, flooding, and pest and disease outbreaks. [9]. Aside from that, climatic variability can have a negative impact on crop and animal productivity by causing extreme weather events like torrential floods and drought [10].

Natural disasters have become commonplace in coastal Odisha, harming standing crops and reducing yields. The state appears to be experiencing climatic anarchy based on erratic weather patterns. It has now gone through more than ten years of contrasting extreme weather, from heat waves to cyclones, from droughts to floods [11]. The most fertile area of Odisha is along its coast, where 40% of the state’s annual rice production is produced. This represents the coastal Odisha region’s contribution to the national food supply. On the Odisha coast, cyclones occur more frequently. In quick succession, several cyclones struck the state. Since 1965, practically every year has seen disastrous disasters in Odisha, including floods, droughts, and cyclones. Floods happened 17 times between 1965 and 2004, droughts happened 19 times, and cyclones struck the state 7 times (OSDMA 2011) .

Farmers’ understanding of climate change and their preparations for adaptation can be a useful starting point in lowering climate risks. In order to deal with losses or to take advantage of climate changes, farmers may modify their farming practises or procedures, such as crop production, soil and water management, flood management, land use, labour use, livestock management, financial management, and family management. In order to select the most effective adaptation strategies, it is imperative to include meteorological variables and evaluate the impact of non-climatic factors that have a significant impact on agriculture. Changes in planting dates, water-saving techniques, and cautious fertiliser management are among the adaption strategies that have been endorsed by numerous studies and papers in the literature. We haven’t taken into account the reality that most farmers aren’t familiar with climate-resilient agriculture practises while this is going on. However, producers modify their practises in this setting of climate change for sustainable yield. By making these behavioural adjustments, one might lessen susceptibility and improve one’s “socio-economic status” and “well-being.” Therefore, it is essential to record farmer-led climate change adaptation efforts.

Materials and methods:

Location of the study: The research study was conducted in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha.

Table 1


The above blocks, gram panchayats, and villages were selected by purposive sampling method. 120 rice growers were included in the study.

Collection of data: The data were collected through a pre-structured interview schedule through personal interviews. The interview schedule contained a variety of practices that the farmers were adopting for rice cultivation in response to climate change. The rice growers response were recorded a two-point continuum scale ( adopted and not adopted).

Analysis of data: The collected data were arranged and analysed using statistical tools like frequency, percentage, mean score and rank order, and correlation.

MS= ∑ fx/ N

Where, M.S. = mean score, Σ 𝑥 = Sum of total score obtained by the individual, N = Total no. of items / respondents.

Correlation co-efficient(  , Where r = Coefficient of correlation, xi = ith value of x variables, x = mean of x variables, yi = ith value of y variables,  y = mean of y variables, Ex = Standard deviation of series x , Ey =Standard deviation of series y  , n=number of pair of observations of x and y

Table 2Distribution of respondents according to their adoption strategies.

Sl. noConditionAdoption strategyAdoptedNot adoptedMean scoreRank
1Late onset of monsoonAdjusting sowing date according to onset of monsoon6453.345646.661.53II
  Give protective irrigation whenever possible.726048401.60I
  If germination is less than 50% resowing immediately after receipt of rain2117.509982.501.17VIII
2DroughtAvoid variety which need assured moisture2924.179175.831.24V
  Split application of nutrients in case of soil moisture stress (urea, DAP)2218.349881.661.18VII
  in situ moisture conservation (use of mulches)4335.847764.161.35III
3Pest and diseasesBlast-Spray carpropamid fungicide 25 gm in 10 lit of water4134.177965.831.34IV
  False smut-Seed treatment with fungicide vitavax or carbendazim @500gm/ha2823.349276.671.23VI

From the above table, it was observed that most of the rice growers practices providing protecting irrigation whenever possible in response to late monsoon with a mean score of 1.60 followed by adjusting the sowing date with a mean score of 1.53, in situ moisture conservation (mean score-1.35) in response to draught, spraying carpropamid fungicide 25 gm in 10 lit of water  (mean score-1.34)  in response to blast, avoiding variety which need assured moisture (mean score-1.24) in response to drought, Seed treatment with fungicide vitavax or carbendazim @500gm/ha  (mean score-1.23)  in response to false smut, Split application of nutrients in case of soil moisture stress  (mean score-1.18)  (urea, DAP) in response to draught and resowing immediately after receipt of rain If germination is less than 50%  (mean score-1.17) in response to the late onset of monsoon.

Graph 1 Mean score of extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change by rice growers

Table 3

Co-relation study of socio-economic variables with extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change

        SL.NO      Charactersr valuet -calculatedt-tabulated (d. f.)
1Age0.1141.1232.617 At 0.01 level       1.980 At 0.05 level
5Annual income0.327**3.787**
6Land holding size0.0200.181
7Mass media exposure0.429**4.218**
8Extension contacts0.341**4.081**
9Farming experience0.337**4.002**

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The data reported in the above table revealed that, education, annual income, mass media exposure , extension contact, and farming experiences had a significant and positive relationship with the extent of adoption of strategies in response to climate change. As most of the variables have t-calculated > t-tabulated, hence, H1 is accepted indicating there is the existence of very significant relationship between socio-economic variables and extent of adoption of strategies in response to climate change.

Table 4

Multiple regression analysis of socio-economic variables with the extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change

ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientsTSig.
BStd. ErrorBeta
1(Constant)23.0553.440 6.703.000
Annual income2.361.761.1153.101.002**
Land holding size.790.688.0971.147.254
Annual income2.152.740.2632.908.004**
Mass Media exposure.334.149.1312.105.031**
Extension contact1.371.284.3124.789.002**
a. Dependent Variable: Obj-2
Model Summary
ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate
a. predictors: (constant), land holding size, , caste, age, gender, mass media exposure, extension contact, education, annual income and farming experience

In the table, regression analysis was performed to describe the  impact of socio-economic variables selected for the study towards the extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change. It was concluded that, education, annual income, social participation and extension contact, and farming experience had a significant regressional impact on the extent of adoption. It can be concluded that this conglomeration of socio-economic variables has contributed to 75.3% of the extent of adoption.


The study concluded that giving protective irrigation in response to late monsoon was the most adopted practice whereas resowing in case of low germination percentage was the least adopted practice in the research area. Education, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contact, and farming experiences had greater influence on the extent of adoption of practices in response to climate change. The conglomeration of these factors has attributed 75.3% to the extent of adoption of the practices. Providing education, information related to climate resilient practices, and training on that types of practices can increase the extent of adoption.


Department of Extension Education, Odisha University of Agriculture And Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, and Department of Agricultural Extension,  Gandhi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Rayagada, Odisha, India.


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