The field experiment was carried out on Black gram cv. GU 3 at Organic Farm, ACH, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India during the summer of 2021. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with a Factorial concept (FRBD) having two factors each having three levels i.e. soil application viz., S1 (100 % RDN through NADEP compost), S2 (Ghan-jivamrut @ 500 kg/ha) and S3 (Ghan-jivamrut @ 500 kg/ha + Jivamrut @ 500 L/ha) and foliar application viz., F0 (Control), F1 (Novel organic liquid nutrient @ 1 %) and F2 (Moringa leaf extract@ 3 %) was given thrice at 15, 30 and 45 DAS. The result revealed that the S1 treatment recorded significantly the highest plant height at harvest, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, and seed yield. For foliar application, the treatment F2 recorded significantly the highest plant height at 40 DAS and higher number of branches per plant, plant height at 60 DAS and at harvest, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod, seed yield and stover yield but remained at par with F1 treatment. It can be concluded that the soil application of 100 percent RDN through NADEP compost and foliar application of either 3 percent Moringa leaf extract or 1 percent Novel organic liquid nutrient at 15, 30, and 45 DAS accomplished higher yield and higher net profit.