Integrated management of pests of paddy on farmers field

Field experiments were conducted on integrated pest management (IPM) in rice with 2
treatments viz., IPM and farmers practices on 0.40 ha area each by Agriculture Research
Station, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara, Maharashtra for five years on 3 farmers' fields in each years
from kharif 2015 to kharif2019 with an objective to validate IPM practices from a basket of
options available and demonstrate to farmers the management of pests in a holistic way
(including insects, diseases and weeds).The results on pooled data revealed that theIPM practice
was found more effective as compared to farmer practices in terms of management of insect pest
of rice crop viz. stem borer and leaf folder, reduction of sheath rot disease and weed incidence
translating into higher yield and higher Benefit-Cost ratio.