1Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Community Science, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India.
2Department of Resource Management and Consumer Sciences, College of Community Science, Professor Jaya Shankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.03.196
The study aimed to understand and explore the occupational profile of pit loomhandloom
weavers,involvement and details related to the weaving activity and occupational problems of
weavers. A total number of 120Saree handloom weavers working on pit loom in the state of
Andhra Pradesh are selected purposively as the sample.The major findings of the study include
that fifty-two per cent of the weavers work for 9-11 hrs whereas 42.50% work for more than 12
hrs and above irrespective of their age and health condition.More than half of the study sample
are independent weavers (54.17%), followed by 27.50 % as cooperative weavers and 16.67 % as
middlemen weavers.The majority 90 per cent of the handloom weavers get a minimum pay of
Rs.1000 –Rs.2999/- for each item whereas very few 7.5 % receive pay of minimum Rs.3000-
Rs.3999/-.Nearly sixty per cent of the weavers perform the activity in hall followed by 21.67 per
cent and 17.50 % in open shed and separate room in their own residences.It was reported that
most of the weavers were always involved in activities such as spinning (35.83%),winding and
warping (34.17%),lacing of cards (45.83%),setting the warp on loom (58.33%) ,preparing the
loom for activity (67.50%) and all the weavers involved in weaving activity (100%).All the
weavers of the study reported that they carry out the work at the same workplace in insufficient
spaces, the work involves mainly repetitive tasks and experience difficulties in exerting force
because of awkward postures and sitting in uncomfortable positions without the backrest. Nearly
three fourth of the weavers always had the health problems such as eye strain (85.00%),shoulder
pain (74.17%),leg pain (78.33%),foot pain (86.6%),hand pain (70.83%),wrist
pain(73.33%),neckpain (70.00%),joint pain(73.33%),finger pain(73.33%),knee
pain(73.33%),backpain (75.83%) and muscle pain (74.17%).The economic problems faced by
weavers include low wages and less financial assistance from government schemes (100%),
sometimes delay in payment (76.67%) and payment in installment (80.00%).