1Department of Weed Science, Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Meenambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600 016
2All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra - 444104
DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.04.501
Continuous use of chemical fertilizers in intensive mono cropping system has led to
reduction in crop yield and has adverse effect on soil health. Organic agriculture addresses
the concerns about the deteriorating soil health by adopting various cropping systems which
complement each other meanwhile maintaining the good health of the soil. Intercropping
aims to get increased total productivity per unit time, besides equitable and judicious
utilization of land resources and farming inputs including labour, insurance against failure of
one or the other crops could be achieved. Hence, a field experiment was conducted at
research farm, Department of Agronomy, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
(Maharashtra) during Kharif 2018-19 to find out the ressponse of organic integrated nutrient
modules on yield and economics of pigeonpea based intercropping systems. The experiment
was laid out in Strip Plot Design (SrPD) with three replications. The four main plot factors
consist of sole pigeonpea, pigeonpea + soybean, pigeonpea + foxtail millet, and pigeonpea +
cotton and was taken up with three sub plot factors i.e. integrated organic nutrient modules
(OINM) viz., 100% FYM (Farm Yard Manure) + vermicompost, 75% farm yard manure +
vermicompost + 25% neem cake, and control (No manure). Yield, economics and system
profitability were calculated and the results shows that, the highest seed yield
(1043.6 kg ha -1 ), stalk yield (3241.7 kg ha -1 ), gross monetary returns (1,32,756 Rs. ha -1 ), net
monetary returns (96,163 Rs. ha -1 ), benefit-cost ratio (3.60) and system profitability (Rs. 263
ha -1 day -1 ) was recorded in pigeonpea + soyabean-based intercropping system, and among the
organically integrated nutrient modules, 75% farm yard manure + vermicompost + 25% neem
cake recorded the similar trend. Hence, application of 75% farm yard manure +
vermicompost + 25% neem cake is an economically viable method for optimizing the yield in
pigeonpea based intercropping systems.