
Underutilized fruits are known as the powerhouse of nutrients and possess very high anti-oxidants and medicinal properties in spite of all these bene its their cultivation and consumption on a commercial basis are very low. For a substantial portion of the population’s nutritional security, low-cost, underutilized vegetable processing and value addition are crucial to reducing signi icant post-harvest losses to a greater extent. Consumption of chutney powder as a food adjunct is a common practice in Indian tradition. In this present study, instant chutney powder was developed using dried Manali tamarind aril powder. Different formulations ranged from 10.0% to 70.0% incorporation of dried aril powder were developed and the best combination was selected through sensory evaluation by using a 9-point hedonic scale. It was noted that 40.0% dry aril-incorporated chutney powder was best accepted. Due to the fruit’s seasonality, there was a limited supply and dif iculty obtaining the raw ingredients.