Genetic variability, Correlation and path analysis studies for yield and yield contributing characters in Pink Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) under sub-tropical plains of Jammu

Vishwash Bandhral1 and Anil Bhushan2 and R. K. Samnotra3 and Shubash C. Kashyap4

Views Count: 536
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Effect of foliar application of zinc sulphate and plant growth regulators on quality and leaf nutrient status of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Hisar Surkha

Akshay Mehta 1 and Bijender Singh 1 and Satpal Baloda2 and Suresh Kumar2 and Alkesh Yadav 2 and Aman Kumar2 and Kalpana Kumari2

Views Count: 525
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Empowering Rural and Tribal Women: Enhancing Self-Awareness through Intervention and Identifying Determinants

N. Sandhya Rani1 and P. Sreedevi 1 and G. Swarupa Rani 1 and R. Neela Rani 2 and V. Kavitha Kiran 1 and A. Meena3

Views Count: 467
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Management of birds in Sorghum crop at College farm, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad

M. Anuradha and V. Ravinder Reddy and V. Sunitha and I. Aruna Sri

Views Count: 487
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Plants as source of Vitamin-D: A brief review

Deeptimayee Mahapatra and Mamoni Das and Amita Beniwal and Jwngsar Baro and Soumitra Goswami

Views Count: 484
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Formulation and Characterization of High Protein Bar Incorporated with Enzymatic Modified Whey Protein Concentrate

Devabattini Sharika1 and Hemalatha. G 2 and Kanchana. S 3 and M.L. Mini 4 and M. Jeya Bharathi1

Views Count: 368
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Enhancing Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Summer Greengram (Vigna radiata L.) through Sulphur, Organic Manures and Biofertilizers

N. M. Chaudhari 1 and K. K. Patel 1 and B. J. Chaudhary 2 and Krutika Subodh Patel2

Views Count: 392
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Assessment of Carbon Sequestration Rate and System Productivity under Complementary Bio-Intensive Cropping Systems in an Inceptisol of Southern Telangana Zone

Ch. Pragathi Kumari 1 and M. Goverdhan 1 and M. Venkata Ramana 1 and G. Kiran Reddy 1 and Knight Nthebere2 and Mandapelli Sharath Chandra1 and M. Santhosh Kumar 1 and Rayapati Karthik 1 and G. Vinay Kumar 1 and N. Ravi Sankar3

Views Count: 397
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Economic Analysis of Foxtail Millet- Melia Dubia Based Agroforestry Under Organic Production System in Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka

Shyamrao Kulkarni1 and Satyanarayana Rao2 and Desai, B.K3 and Basavaneppa, M.A4 and Mahadevaswamy 5 and Bhat, S. N6 and Yogeesh L. N. 7

Views Count: 458
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Influence of clonal rootstocks on fruit quality of exotic apple varieties under ambient storage conditions

Shiekh Amir Mushtaq and Aroosa Khalil and Amit Kumar and Nowsheen Nazir and Safura Nabi

Views Count: 581
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Sugarcane and Its Bioproducts – A Renewable Resource for a Novel Bioeconomy

Lenika Kashyap1 and Anuradha 2 and Keshani Bhushan 3

Views Count: 416
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Spacing trial in high-density planting in guava cv. Hisar Safeda

Satpal Baloda1 and Jeet Ram Sharma1 and S.K. Sehrawat1 and Sushil Sharma1 and Jayanti Tokas3 and Savita Rani 1 and Akshay Mehta2

Views Count: 530
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Studies on Transplanting Dates and Method of Seed Production in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) under Jammu Sub-Tropics

Zahida Parveen and Manoj Kumar and Satesh Kumar and Sandeep Chopra and R K Samnotra and Divyanshu Sharma and Ursheen Dhar

Views Count: 472
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Studies on the characterization and pathogenicity of microbial pathogens isolated from agricultural pests visiting mulberry fields in Kashmir

Asif Rafiq Rather1 and N. A. Ganie1 and K. A. Dar1 and M.F.Baqual1 and Munazah Yaqoob3 and F. I. Qadri1 and Masarat Bashir1 and Mohammad Rafiq Bhat1 and Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat2

Views Count: 533
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Preparation of ready-to-use formulations from clove oil and their antifungal activity against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the cause of post-harvest anthracnose disease in mango

Ranapratap Raut a and Lalit Mahatmab and Ravikumar Vaniyac

Views Count: 441
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Phyllochron and Tillering Behavior Studies in Grass family (Gramineae): A Review

P. Baskar 1 and C. Sangeetha2 and M.R. Nadhakumar 3 and S. Selvakumar4

Views Count: 441
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Moser’s Triple Roles Framework and the Gender Dynamics of Intra-Household Labor Division in Odisha

Maitreyee Tripathy and Bishnupriya Mishra and Sidharth Dash and Guru Prasad Satapathy

Views Count: 436
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Establishment of a highly efficient and reliable protocol for seed germination and callus formation from cultured rice seeds

Rima Kumari 1 and Pankaj Kumar 2 and V.K. Sharma 3 and Harsh Kumar3

Views Count: 375
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E-Readiness of Women Entrepreneurs in Telangana State

B. Spandana1 and B. Jamuna Rani2 and M. Preethi3 and K. Aparna4 and D. Srinivasa Chary5

Views Count: 489
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Comparative Quality Analysis of Hybrid and Traditional Rice Varieties under Different Storage Intervals

Nitin Vikram1&2 and Raja Husain 3&1 and Chetna Gangwar 1&4 and Ankita Sagar 1&5 and Vaishali Gangwar6 and Raj Narayan1

Views Count: 412
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Evaluation of effective usage of facemask and level of comfort among college students during Covid Pandemic

Rupanagudi Beena Fareq1 and Rupal Babel2

Views Count: 608
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Standardization and sensory evaluation of Manali tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce) based Chutney powder.

S. Rachana Sree1 and T. Supraja 2 and K. Aparna 3 and M. Prasuna 4 and D. Srinivasa Chary 5

Views Count: 570
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Sequential Extension Methodology for Augmentation of Higher Yields in
Soybean through Cluster Front Line Demonstrations at KVK

C. Padma Veni 1 and M. Swetha2 and P. Vijay Kumar 3 and B. V. Raj Kumar4

Views Count: 560
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Interspecific crosses of linseed species

Renjini J. S. 1 and Beena Nair 2 and Rani Jadhav3

Views Count: 687
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Foliar application of iron and zinc improves morpho-physiological and agronomic grain bioforti ication of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under restricted irrigation conditions

Harshit Gupta and C. L. Maurya and Shreya Singh and Gaurav Yadav and Rishabh Kumar Singh and Anubhav Kumar

Views Count: 635
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Climate smart extension for soil and water conservation by KvK Nizamabad

C. Padma Veni 1 and M. Swetha 2 and B.V. Raj Kumar3

Views Count: 784
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Stem Rot of Jute: A Serious Threat to Jute Production in North-East India

Santosh Kumar 1 and Tribhuwan Kumar 2 and Mahendra Singh 1 and Vinod Kumar Singh3 and Shyam Babu Sah4 and Tamoghna Saha 4 and Dhirendra Kumar Singh1

Views Count: 674
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Role of ornamental plants in the improvement of environment

Jagreeti Gupta

Views Count: 646
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Screening of biopesticides and their combinations against sucking insect pest complex in Bt cotton

Navjot Kaur and Kavita Bajaj and Gurleen Kaur and Navdeep Kaur and Guntaj Kaur Aulakh

Views Count: 620
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Transmission studies of Cucumber mosaic virus in Cucumber

Rajinimala N 1 and Santhoshinii E 2 and Kannan R 3 and Ravi G 4 and Kavitha K5 and Sheela J6

Views Count: 566
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Streptomyces is a Potential biocontrol agent for the management of Groundnut stem rot Pathogen Sclerotiumrolfsii.

K. Yamunarani and S. Sangeetha

Views Count: 590
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Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Based Mapping of Flood Impact on Banana Orchards in Lower Gangetic Plains of Bihar, India

Binod Kumar Vimal 1 and Srinivasaraghvan A 2 and Ravindra Kumar Sohane 3 and Ragini Kumari1

Views Count: 596
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Response of Castor Hybrids to Saline Water Irrigation in Pot Culture

A. V. Ramanjaneyulu a and A. Madhavi b and M.V. Nagesh Kumar c and A. Srinivas d and D. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy ,e and G. Sathish f and Mandapelli Sharath Chandrag

Views Count: 586
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Eco-Friendly Management of Post-Harvest Anthracnose of Mango

Rahul L. Joshi and D. H. Tandel and Divyashree

Views Count: 609
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Synthesis and Characterization of Psoralea corlyfolia-mediated titanium dioxide nanoparticles for Antiviral Activity

S. Ranjith kumar and R. Ramamoorthy and P. Mohan Raj and V. Vasanth and M. Saratha and E. Arasakumar and K. Chozhan

Views Count: 581
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Effect of seed treatment with biocontrol agents, organic amendments and fungicide on seedling emergence, pre and post emergence mortality and growth parameters of Safflower

M. Rajendra Prasad 1 and B. Vidya sagar 1 and G. Uma Devi 1 and C. Narendra Reddy S2 and Triveni, S3

Views Count: 623
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Remote Sensing Data-Based Sugarcane Acreage Estimation and Yield Forecasting

V. B. Virani1 and Neeraj Kumar2

Views Count: 623
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Impact of Storage Material on Seed Quality and Seed Health Parameters of Treated Seeds of Soybean [Glycine maxL Merill]

M. Madhavi 1 and B. Pushapavathi 2 and V. Bharathi 1 and M. V. Nagesh Kumar 3 and P. Jagan Mohan Rao1

Views Count: 622
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D2 analysis in Lathyrus (Lathyrus sativus L.) germplasm lines

Sakshi Vilas Ingle1 and Prema Manapure2 and Vandana Madke2 and Sudhir Patil2 and Vandana Kalamkar3

Views Count: 566
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Analysis of Divergence at different Developmental Stages under Drought Stress in green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek)

Shreya Sen1,2 and Amitava Paul1 and Rabi Shankar Pan3 and Md. Shamim4

Views Count: 961
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Milling and sensory characteristics of Indian indica subset of 3k Rice germplasm

T. Kamalaja1 and Vanisri Satturru2 and K. Srilekha3 and J. L Rakesh3

Views Count: 883
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Effect of meteorological parameters on the incidence of insect-pests of green gram during summer and Kharif season

Guntaj Kaur Aulakh and Kavita Bajaj and Gurleen Kaur and Navdeep Kaur

Views Count: 900
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Biochemical and Antioxidant Constituents of Raw and Heat Processed Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Flour and its Shelf-Life Study (Ipomoea batatas)

Gitanjali Chaudhary1 and Sarla Lakhawat2

Views Count: 849
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Estimation of Surface Runoff Using GIS Based SCS – CN Method

V. T. Shinde and M. Singh and A. V. Sonawane and Y. A. Garde

Views Count: 1003
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Study of Real -time nitrogen management and sustainable weed management practices on maize productivity

Kadiri Saimaheswari1 and G. Karuna Sagar2 and V. Chandrika3 and B. Sandhya Rani 4

Views Count: 828
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Effect of chitosan on breaking yield barrier of soybean

Sapana Baviskar1 and Shanti Patil2 and Sandip Kamdi3 and Vandana Madke1 and Prashant Shende1

Views Count: 849
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Effect of different color sticky traps on control for onion thrips

M.K.Pathak1 and P.K.Gupta2 and S.Pandey3 and M.K.Pandey3 and S.Purshottaman1 and R.C.Gupta3 and B.K.Dubey1

Views Count: 893
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Effect of different innovative nutrient management strategies on productivity and profitability of transplanted rice under organic production system

Rajashree1 and Satyanarayana Rao2 and B. K. Desai 3 and B. G. Mastana Reddy 4 and Mahadev Swamy 5 and Vishwanath, J6 and S. B. Goudar7

Views Count: 912
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Efficacy of Herbicides on Weed Dynamics and Weed Control Efficiency and its Effect on Productivity and Economics of Kharif Maize

Manjulatha G1 and Rajanikanth E2 and S D Bamboriya3 and Salakinkop S R4

Views Count: 937
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Assessment of bioagents for the management of Fusarium wilt disease in banana

Kavitha Kumaresan1 and Selvarani A 1 and Nazreen Hassan S 1 and Latha R 1 and Suresh S1 and Chitra K2 and Rajinimala N 3 and Preetha G4

Views Count: 809
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Gut bacterial diversity in different life stages of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Rima Kumari1 and Tamoghna Saha 2 and Santosh Kumar3 and C.K. Panda 4 and Shyam Babu Sha2

Views Count: 845
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Ergonomic Evaluation of Farm Women’s Drudgery in Rice Production System: Current Research Trends

Divya Singh and Rupanagudi Unesha Fareq

Views Count: 773
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Studies on the Effect of Sugar in Bioactive Components Retention on amla Products

K. P. Sivakumar 1 and B. Nallakurumban2 and T. Balaji3

Views Count: 873
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Current status and intervention in sheath blight disease resistance in rice through conventional, molecular, and transgenic approaches

Md. Shamim 1 and Anurag Mishra 2 and Mahesh Kumar 1 and Deepti Srivastava3 and Ashutosh Kumar Singh4 and Tushar Ranjan1 and Vinod Kumar1 and Prakash Singh 1 and Ravi Kesari 1 and Ravi Ranjan Kumar 1 and Sanjeev Kumar1 and B.N. Saha 1 and Shailbala Dei1 and Raja Husain5

Views Count: 825
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