Nalanda College of Horticulture, Noorsarai (Nalanda), Bihar, India
A field experiment was conducted during the Rabi season at Nalanda College of
Horticulture Noorsarai, Nalanda, Bihar, India to evaluate the effect of potassium
(75%,100%,125%,150%) of RDF(120:90;100 N:P205:K20) and boron (0,1,2,3 kg/ha) levels on
potato yield and quality during rabi season with factorial RBD design with three replication. The
result of three consecutive years (2020-2021, 2021-22 and 2022-23) data revealed that T-15 150
% of RDF (equivalent to 150 kg/ha potash) along with 2 kg Boron/ha given significantly higher
no of tuber /hill (9.05), tuber wt (89.87g), total tuber yield (401.02 q/ha), dry matter (20.8%),
Minimum total weight loss (22.79 %), Vit-c (20.67 mg/100 g) and reducing sugar (1.74 %), Net
return of Rs 2.44 lakh/ha and B/C ratio 3.17 in the environmental condition of Nalanda college
of horticulture, Noorsarai ,Nalanda Bihar. There are several challenges for effect of Potassium
and Boron levels on yield and quality of potatoes like nutrient imbalance, soil variability, crop
sensitivity, monitoring and testing etc. Potatoes are sensitive to nutrient deficiencies or excesses,
different soil types and environmental conditions. Proper Potassium and Boron levels, alongwith
sustainable agriculture improve efficiency of tuber production and quality by minimizing
environmental impact, reducing waste and optimize fertilization practices.