1Coconut Research Station, Veppankulam, Tamil Nadu, India

2Agricultural College and Research Institute, Keezhvelur, Tamil Nadu, India

3Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai, Tamil Nadu, India

4Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu, India

5Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

6Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Yethapur, Tamil Nadu, India

DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.04.422

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Sweet potatoes are most valuable food security and climate-resilient crops that sustain many livelihoods in the tropics and subtropics. Orange-leshed sweet potatoes (OFSP) are rich in β-carotene and it is the cheapest staple food, an easily accessible and year-round source of vitamin A. The main objective of the study was to evaluate superior orange lesh sweet potato entries for yield and cooking quality. The experiment was conducted for two consecutive years 2017 and 2018 in randomized block design with ten sweet potato entries and three replications at Horticultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore. The sweet potato variety CO5 was used as a local check. Out of these local check CO 5 recorded signiicantly the highest yield (28.88t ha ) which was on par with TSp 16-2 (27.25 t ha ). The marketable tuber yield was signiicantly the highest in CO5 (20.94 t ha ) which was on par with-1 -1 TSp 16-10 (19.88 t ha ) TSp 16-10 (19.88 t ha ). Signiicantly maximum dry matter content (27.28 %), and starch content (20.03 %) was recorded in TSp16-7 and sugar content (2.74 %) in TSp-16-3. Among the entries TSp16-6 recorded the highest organoleptic-1score (8.13), and Tsp. 16-7 recorded the highestβ-content (8.62 mg 100g )

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