1Department of Extension and Communication Management, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka - 580 005, India
2Farm Manager, ICAR-KVK, Chamarajnagar, India
3Department of Agricultural Extension, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Trichy – 621 112, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.21276/AATCCReview.2024.12.04.359
Farmers in India depend on various factors and climates for a regular income. Due to this,
they are prone to many risks which create stress in them. In India, for the last three decades we
witnessed many farmers’ committing suicide for various reasons. The review of literature shows
that not only farmers in India are prone to stress but it is the same in other countries as well. The
corona-virus crisis has led to a situation where farmers faced additional stress due to
unavailability and non-movement of labour, inter-state transport bottlenecks, shortage of raw
materials due to closure of mandis, and unavailability of transport and markets. This has induced
more stress and anxiety to the farmers and farm women than the usual conditions leading to
suicides. The need of the hour is to conduct stress management practices among farmers and
farm women. Yoga is the most perfect health and wellness strategy as it is comprehensive and
holistic in nature. Hence, Yogic and meditative strategies are best means according to Indian
tradition for the management of stress. Keeping this in view the present study was conducted to
assess and develop strategies to overcome stress, anxiety and depression by farmers during
COVID-19. The study was conducted in Karnataka state.At the first satge survey was
conductedand with a sample of 150 farmers and 150 farm women.In the second stage pre-post
test experimental design was used to test the effectiveness on 60 farmers and 60 farm women.
Yogic and meditative strategies were developed to manage the stress level and tested for its
effectiveness by experimenting on selected farmers and farm women. But the challenge was to
convince the farmers to understand the importance of yoga and make them attend the one month
training session regularly. The researchers thus held few group discussions and convinced the
selected farmers and farm women to attend one month yoga training. The results of the study
indicate a positive impact of the developed strategies on reducing stress among farmers and farm
women. Thus, yogic practices (pranayama, asanas and meditation) can be an effective strategy
for managing the stress levels of farmers and farm women.