
Oilseed production assumes great importance in India. Among oilseed crops,
rapeseed & mustard is the third most important group of oilseed crops in the world
after Soybean and palm oil. The Nizamabad district is the second major district in the
area and production of soybean crops in Telangana state. Most of the soils in
Nizamabad district are red and black soils with sandy loam texture. Major Kharif
crops grown in the study area are rice, soybean, maize, sugarcane, etc the present
study was conducted by following sequential extension methods in conducting CFLD
oilseeds under NMOOP with Basara variety which has been developed and released
by PJTSAU, Hyderabad. The study was focused on a combination and sequence of
extension methods to reach the farmers and persuade them to adopt the scientific
technology package in soybean through cluster mode. The technologies were
demonstrated right from land preparation to the marketing of the produce against the
check i.e. farmer's practice. Under CFLD Demonstration farmers have received a
16.35 percent yield increase over check and a 2.36:1 B: C ratio. To achieve these
results KVK, Rudrur has adopted the sequence of extension methodology like
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Brainstorming sessions, Surveys, Interaction
with Principal Scientist (Oil seeds) & Literature development and distribution to the
farmers Orientation meeting, Critical input (Seed) distribution, Demonstration on
sowing with a seed drill, Field visits & Interaction meetings, Timely Agro advisories,
Training Programmes on crop production and plant protection aspects, Field Day
and documentation of feedback, Demonstration on mechanized harvesting, a
Training program on post-harvest management and marketing, Facilitating in the
marketing of the produce and linking with buyers to get good price Linking the
farmers to a source of good quality seed. Well-designed Sequential Extension
Methodology and Technology to reach Research output to the farmers through
Extension is the need of the hour. Successful implementation of extension activities
like Cluster Front Line Demonstrations through KVKs contributes to the income
security of the farmers.