1Department of Agricultural Extension, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, India

2Department of Home Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur, India

3Department of Horticulture, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur, India

Corresponding Author Email: changal_padma@yahoo.co.in

DOI : https://doi.org/10.58321/AATCCReview.2023.11.03.96


: Homestead technology, Adolescent girls, adopted villages, Anemia, beneficiaries, Cotton, drudgery reduction technology, drumstick leaf powder, entrepreneurship, extension methods, farm women, farmers, Front Line Demonstration (FLD), health hazards, Home Science and training programm, infants, KVK, malnutrition, Marketing, PJTSAU, protective clothing. On Farm Test (OFT), pushti weaning mix, raagi laddu, rolling brush stem applicator, SHG women, women’s population

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Women’s entrepreneurship directly affects income, employment, and capital formation while indirectly benefiting household-level resource allocation. Women’s population constitutes half of the total population i.e. 48.5 percent indicating their potential strength in the total human resource in the country. The challenge is that the women in rural areas even today are disadvantaged with lack of emotional, mental, social wellbeing and financial uplift to support themselves and their families. Therefore the present study focused on the challenge of extending helping hand and opportunities to empower them with implementable homestead technologies leading them towards entrepreneurship. The present study was conducted with the objectives 1) to study homestead technologies that were On Farm tested and Front Line Demonstrated in adopted villages of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nizamabad, and 2) to promote startups with homestead technologies for women entrepreneurship. Nizamabad and Kama Reddy districts were selected purposively as these two districts fall under the operational area of KVK, Nizamabad. A total of 191 beneficiaries comprising 40 adolescent girl students of Seed Technology Poly technique college, Rudrur, 91 malnourished infants whose weights fell under grade 2 & grade 3 in the growth chart, and 60 Farm and Home women from KVK adopted villages were selected for the study. Four homestead technologies were selected to address the identified problems among women leading to entrepreneurship. The results showed that Infant’s health, cognitive, and motor skills were improved with the feeding of a pushti weaning mix. Anemic adolescent girls improved their health and social status through supplementation of raagiladdu (Finger millet) and drumstick leaf powder. Farm women’s drudgery was decreased with a rolling brush stem applicator. Farmer’s health risks were minimized with the use of protective clothing while spraying. Some SHG women started entrepreneurship by marketing Pushti weaning mix, Raagiladdu, drumstick leaf powder, Rolling brushes and Protective clothing and supported the family financially for their livelihood.


Women’s entrepreneurship directly affects income, employment and capital formation while indirectly benefiting household-level resource allocation. When provided with equal access to inputs, women-owned enterprises produce equally strong economic outcomes compared to enterprises led by men. [1] India has more women-owned enterprises than many other countries, with an estimated 13.5 million to 15.7 million MSMEs( Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) and agribusinesses as per published sources [1].

Women’s population constitutes half of the total population i.e. 48.5 percent indicating their potential strength in the total human resource in the country. As Swamy Vivekananda said “Just as a bird may perhaps not fly with one wing only, a nation would not amble advance if women are left behind”, the time and energy contributed by women to the nation’s growth needs not just high appreciation but great recognition and concern on par with men. Money in the hands of women often means more nutrition and education for the children. Therefore when a woman controls the household income the family gets benefits; hence their economic independence is the need of the hour [2].

Since women are the backbone of the family, Home Science is dedicated to the overall development of women folk. Certain low-cost technologies for alleviating drudgery in women’s life were developed by the Home science department like simplification of working patterns, consumer education on health and hygiene, the introduction of improved equipment, the importance of food pyramid and nutritious food for vulnerable groups etc [4].

In the Nizamabad district, the women population dominates over men with 51 percent, but a literacy percentage of 52.33 indicate the need for more emphasis on educational development and economic empowerment.

In this connection Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad conducted On Farm Testing followed by Front Line Demonstration on Homestead technologies for women empowerment through entrepreneurship in adopted villages to promote their livelihood opportunities for sustainable development.

The following objectives were taken for the study:

  1. To study homestead technologies that were tested and demonstrated in adopted villages of KVK, Nizamabad.
  2. To promote startups with homestead technologies for women entrepreneurship.

Materials and methods

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad conducted Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) during 2015-16 to 2019-20 to address the identified problems in adopted villages with suitable Homestead technologies. To study the supplementation of Pusthi weaning mix to infants of 6 months to 2 years to combat malnutrition, data from 2012-13 to 2015-16 was considered.

Selection of the districts: Nizamabad and Kama Reddy districts were selected purposively as these two districts fell under the operational area of KVK, Nizamabad

Selection of adopted villages and mandals

Name of adopted villagesName of mandalDistrict
Jalalpur, Laxmapur, Sankora, Vakheel farmVarni  Nizamabad  
Suddulam, Rampur, Takli, Sunkini and HegdoliKotagiri
Rythunagar,Kistapur, Thimmapur, Mirzapur, ChincholiBirkurKama Reddy

PRA methods used: The following PRA methods were used to identify the problems

  • Social mapping
  • Resource mapping
  • Transect walk
  • Venn diagram etc.

Problems identified: The following major problems were identified that needed        immediate attention

  • Malnutrition among infants
  • The anemic problem among adolescent girls
  • Drudgery among farm women
  • Lack of enterprises among rural women for their economic empowerment

Homestead technologies selected: Four homestead technologies were selected to address the identified problems among women leading to entrepreneurship

  • Supplementation of Pusthi weaning mix to infants of 6 months to 2 years  to combat malnutrition
  • Improvement of hemoglobin through supplementation of Raagiladdu and Drumstick         

leaf powder among adolescent girls,

  • Rolling brush stem applicator in cotton for the management of sucking pests  as a drudgery reduction technology
  • Use of Protective clothing while spraying chemicals in the field

Selection of beneficiaries:

A total of 191  beneficiaries comprising 40 adolescent girl students of Seed Technology    Poly technique college, Rudrur;  91 malnourished infants whose weights fell under grade 2 & grade 3 in the growth chart and 60 Farm and Home women from KVK adopted villages were selected for the study.

Extension activities conducted

The Subject Matter Specialist (Home Science) under the guidance of the Head and Programme Coordinator formulated On-Farm Tests (OFTs) and tested the technological feasibility, economic profitability and cultural compatibility of selected technologies which proved scientifically for acceptance and moved to Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) for popularization. These technologies horizontally expanded leading to women’s entrepreneurship development.

The sequential extension methods used: Different need and situation-based extension methods were used while conducting OFTs and FLDs on the above technologies. An example of one such model while conducting FLD on a Rolling brush stem applicator in cotton for the management of sucking pests as a drudgery reduction technology

.Measurement procedures:

  1. Supplementation of Pusthi weaning mix to infants of 6 months to 2 years to combat malnutrition

Experimental group: Pushti weaning mix was given 50 gm thrice a day. Pushti weaning mix was mixed with water and boiled for 20 minutes till it attained semi-solid consistency later added milk or ghee to make it energy dense. Along this, breast milk feeding was advised to continue.

Control group: Along with breast milk, Balamrutham or homemade mashed food was advised.

Follow-up study: After the completion of 4 months, the children’s growth chart was prepared and obtained feedback from the mothers about the weaning mixed nutritive values.

  • Improvement of Hemoglobin through supplementation of Raagiladdu, Drumstick leaf powder and Iron tablets

Under this technology, Normal Diet + Iron tablets were administered to the Check group and Normal Diet + supplementation of raagi laddu, drumstick leaves powder & iron tablets were administered to the Demo group.

Calculation of BMI: Calculated Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (in Kg)/ Square of Height (in mt)

BMI between18.5 to 24 is normal; >24 are overweight; <18.5 are underweight

The adolescent girls de-wormed 10 days before supplementation to avoid warm infestation

  1. Rolling brush stem applicator in cotton for the management of sucking pests as a drudgery reduction technology

The normal practice of spraying in cotton crops as Check and Rolling brush stem applicator as Demo was taken for conducting FLD. After conducting FLD collected women farmers’ feedback regarding the use of rolling brushes for stem application.

  • Protective Clothing while spraying

Farmers’ practice i.e without any protective clothing as Check and protective clothing set including mask, apron, glasses, gloves, and cap as Demo were framed as per the recommendations of the Professor, AICRP (Textiles & Clothing) Home Science, Professor Jaya Shankar Telangana State Agriculture University (PJTSAU), Rajendra Nagar during the Annual Action Plan meeting during the year 2015-16. Conducted training programs, and method demonstrations to the farmers on the use of protective clothing and distributed protective clothing sets to the farmers with clear instructions, and the observations were recorded for one month.

Results and Discussion

Results of four homestead technologies tested and demonstrated in adopted villages of KVK, Nizamabad.

The results of four homestead technologies led to women entrepreneurship after a series of On-Farm Testing’s and Front Line Demonstrations in the farm and homes of farm women in adopted villages of KVK, Nizamabad are presented below.

  1. Supplementation of Pusthi weaning mix to infants of 6 months to 2 years to combat malnutrition

As observed from Table.1 out of 91 selected Infants, 26 were male and 65 were female. It was noted that maximum number of infants belonged to the age group of 6 to 12 months under the study.  That means the finding of 71.42 percent of female infants conforms with                  51 % of women population statistics in Nizamabad.

During 2012-13, the initial mean weight of the infants in Demo group before supplementation of pushti weaning mix was 6.729 kgs. After the completion of the intervention, the mean weight was 8.829 kgs. There was 31% improvement within the Demo group at P value < 0.05 on applying the paired ‘t’ test within the group. In 2013-14 pretest weights of infants in the Demo group before starting the weaning food was 6.91kg. After the completion of the intervention the mean weight was 8.374 kg. There was 21% improvement within the Demo group at P value 0.05 on applying the paired – test within the group. Before starting the pushti weaning supplementation mean pre-test weight of infants was 7.905 kg and the posttest weight was 9.582kgs in 2014-15. Pretest weight of infants in Demo group during 2015-16 was 7.41 kg. After the completion of 4 months post test weight of infants was 9.19kg. There was 24% improvement within the Demo group at P value 0.05 on applying the paired‘t’- test within the group.

The above results indicate that pushti weaning mix greatly impacts the health status of children. As per the quality control lab report, pushti weaning mix has a good amount of nutritive values like moisture-9.42, ash-1.65, fat-0.09, fiber-1.70, and protein content 13.58 gm. The nutritive values in the Pushti weaning mix contributed for development that was observed among infant viz good physical development; increased body weight; cognitive development; identification of objects; psycho motor skill development; doing small activity; playing games and social development; mingling with others by actively responding to others after completion of intervention.

  • Improvement of hemoglobin through supplementation of Raagiladdu and Drumstick leaf powder among adolescent girls

It is obvious from table 2 that 24(100%) Cent percent of the adolescent girls presented clinical signs of iron deficiency anemia like pale conjunctiva 12 (50%), pale tongue 11 (46%), and flattening of nails 1 (4%). Out of 24 subjects, 15 (63%)  expressed dizziness, menses irregularity, legs and back pain during menstruation and hormonal problems as other problems due to lack of hemoglobin.

Cent percent 24 (100%) of the adolescent girls were under weight, 8 (33%) were having low hemoglobin levels and mean hemoglobin 8.9 mg/dl lower than normal hemoglobin level was recorded.

Supplemented daily one raagiladdu with the weight of 33 gms containing 57.4mg calcium, 23.46 calories, 1.05g protein, 1.425 mg iron 7.01µg beta carotene, 3.05mg total folic acid & 1.67 gms fat and daily 2gms drumstick leaf powder containing calcium  – 400.06mg, calorie  – 4.1, protein  – 0.542gms, iron – 0.564 mg, beta carotene – 0.378µg, vitamin c – 0.346mg, fat – 0.046gms and weekly one iron tablet containing 100 mg iron &500 mg folic acid for four months regularly to the selected adolescent girls for improvement of hemoglobin.

The results exposed that out of twenty-four (24) adolescent girls sixteen (16) had exhibited that pale color conjunctiva to red color conjunctiva and pale color tongue to pink tongue. Other problems like dizziness, menses irregularity, legs and back pain during menstruation were diminished after the consumption of raagiladdu and drumstick leaf powder. This was due to supplementation of drumstick leaf powder, raagiladdu and iron tablets they got daily calcium  – 457.46mg, calorie  – 27.56, protein  – 1.592gms, iron – 16.289 mg, beta carotene –7.388µg, folic acid- 503.05mg, fat – 1.716 gms for improvement of hemoglobin level. 

The remaining 8 adolescent girls improved their mean hemoglobin level from 8.9 mg/dl to 9.5 mg/dl but their hemoglobin level was lower than the normal hemoglobin level. It was observed that 5 percent hemoglobin level increased among adolescent girls. Though their BMI showed they were underweight the average BMI increased from 16 to 16.7 after four months.

The present investigation revealed that the hemoglobin level of girls improved significantly with supplementation of raagiladdu, drumstick leaf powder, and iron tablets within four months which is evident from observation of clinical sign of iron deficiency anemia and hemoglobin level. Hence, food-based technical program need to be implemented for eradicating nutritional deficiencies as it assumes greater significance for the health improvement of rural masses.

3.Rolling brush stem applicator in cotton for the management of sucking pests as a drudgery reduction technology

Cotton is known as white gold and is a premier commercial crop in India. In Bt era sucking became more serious inviting indiscriminate use of pesticides. Stem application in cotton with monocrotophos (1:4) was an effective method of control of sucking pests having compatibility with Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The study concluded that to control sucking pests effectively, use of stem applicator is cost effective and eco-friendly.

The Table.3 depicts that the time requirement for spraying under Demo by rolling stem applicator was less i,e 18 hrs during crop season covering more acreage i,e 1.5 – 2 ha  @ 6 hours per day for 3 times with  3 labors. Whereas   in  Farmers Practice of normal spraying   less area i,e1.0 – 1.8 ha consuming 30 hrs during crop season @  of 3 hours in a  day for 5 times with 3 Laboure’s. Thus, the result of covering more area in a less time with reduced cost of cultivation enabling the farmer to go for timely plant protection measures attracted the farmers for the acceptance of the Rolling brush technique.  The use of a Rolling stem applicator also reduced drudgery, saved input and natural enemies.

The rolling brush technique required 250 ml of monocrotophos per acre which was less compared to Farmer’s practice of spraying 1 lit monocrotophos per acre. As the quantity of chemicals required for application by rolling brush was very less, subsequently the cost was also reduced.  Concerning labour charges, the rolling brush method required one labor for three times i.e. after sowing of seed, at the age of 30 days, 45 and 60 days. Hence, the total investment for the rolling brush was Rs.650-1500/-. But spraying of chemicals required 2 labors for 5 times (local farmer practice) during the crop period with a total investment Rs. 1400-3500/- recorded in the period of three years.

The women farmers expressed the benefits of rolling stem applicators like labor savings because of ease of handling of the applicator with no drudgery, water saving, chemical saving, and time saving as the chemical will be absorbed into the sponge which will be directly applied to the plant without any wastage as against hand spraying where the chemical gets wasted because of drift and more requirement of water. No environmental pollution because the chemical is not exposed to the environment; No drift hazards as against normal spraying where chemical gets drifted when applied to the plants because of wind and other factors.

4. Protective clothing while spraying

The features of protective clothing selected for the study were suitability, comfortability, durability, adoption feasibility, and morbidity pattern of protective clothing while spraying. Protective clothing can be defined as clothing including those protectors which cover or replace personal clothing designed to protect against hazards.

The overall WMS score 4.26 indicates the fabric protecting the body from external matter excellently. Out of 30 farmers 16 provided excellent feedback regarding absorbency of perspiration/ pesticide. The overall WMS score 4.4 indicates excellent absorbency of perspiration of old shirt as the starched shirt cannot absorb pesticide/ chemical during crop period. Old starched shirt acted as a barrier between the skin and chemical. Hence each usage of old shirt needs starching

The overall WMS score 4.03, indicates the suitability of placket opening & fasteners of the garment to the protective clothing whether it is the old garment or new, which could be easily used for the entire crop period with utmost satisfaction of farmers. The farmers were comfortable spending money on protective clothing rather inviting health issues.

Ignoring safety measures, the majority suffered from various health hazards like longing, irritation, skin allergies, flaming, vomiting, headache and dizziness during spraying as indicated in Table 5. The use of protective clothing which includes a cap, old shirt, gloves, mask, and sunglasses protected the individual from pesticide inhalation, and decreased the health hazards and morbidity pattern over a period of time, from day one to day, 30.

II. Promoting startups with homestead technologies for women’s entrepreneurship

Extensively village visits were made by the Programme Co-ordinator along with Home Scientist to motivate the women with the help of success stories written on homestead technologies and identified few interested and needy women to initiate startups for entrepreneurship by themselves for their livelihood promotion as shown in below table 6.

Women’s entrepreneurship for livelihood promotion needs building an enabling environment. Entrepreneurship-driven farm homestead technologies enable women to contribute to the economic growth of the family in developing countries. For many rural women, entrepreneurship is a part of a broader livelihood strategy often undertaken partially where it is difficult to separate production and reproduction tasks and market and non-market work. When women adopt gender-sensitive practices, they can empower themselves, voice and represent decision-making, provide business networks, enhance access to market services and facilitate economies of scale (FAO, 2010). In this direction Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad exerted efforts to disseminate Home stead technologies with a series of On-Farm Tests and Front Line Demonstrations with the integration of Sequential Extension Methodology and Technology that transformed into small-scale startups helping women realize income to support the family financially in turn contributing to their livelihood promotion.


Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad worked for the empowerment of women and vulnerable groups like malnourished children, anemic adolescent girls, and poor rural women.  Women’s social, economical and educational status was empowered and health status was improved through homestead technologies developed by the College of Home Science, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and disseminated through Front Line Demonstrations conducted by KVK. The infant’s health, cognitive and motor skills were improved with pushti weaning mix. Anemic adolescent girls improved their health and social status through raagiladdu, and drumstick leaf powder as these improved their hemoglobin levels. Girl’s participation in all activities was improved. Their social movement in all activities was also improved. Farm women’s drudgery was decreased with the technology provided by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad viz., rolling brush stem applicator. Farmer’s health risks like vomiting & nausea sensation, headache, skin problems and burning sensation were minimized with the use of protective clothing while spraying.

These technologies not only improved the health status of the vulnerable group but also developed the economic status of rural women through the marketing of pushti weaning mix, raagiladdu, drumstick leaf powder, a rolling brush and protective clothing. In this way, homestead technologies leading women entrepreneurship in the Nizamabad district of Telangana state.


  1. Bain & Company and Google (2019) Women entrepreneurship in India.
  • Bhavya Manjari, M., C. Padma Veni and Venkata Rajkumar (2018) Farm and Home Technologies for women Livelihood Promotion – A Case of KVK, Rudrur,

                  Nizamabad, Telangana State. Int.J. Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci.7(10):2573-2584.

  • Gender and rural employment policy Brief (2010) Rural women’s entrepreneurship is “good business”! FAO study
  • Shivaleelappatil and Surekhasankangoudar (2016) Knowledge and adoption level of home science technologies. J. Farm Sci., 29(4): 536-538.

Future scope of the study:

The study definitely would impact and influence women of similar category in other areas in the district to adopt these strategies to initiate micro entrepreneurship to empower themselves.

Conflict of interest:

Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the study.


We are thankful to Professor Jaya Shankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), ATARI- Zone X, Hyderabad for helping in implementation of On-farm tests and Front Line Demonstrations and providing fund and technologies.


Figure 1, Sequential Extension Methodology and Technology used in Rolling brush stem application

                      FARMER’S FEEDBACK
In cotton sucking pests are the major problem which mainly includes Thrips, Whiteflies, Aphids and Mealy bugs. To control these pests farmers were using chemical spraying with more chemical, more no.of sprayings, more labour with drudgery among men and women leading to more cost of cultivation. Hence conducted Brainstorming and explained  on the benefits of  using  Rolling brush stem application an eco-friendly, low cost, input saving and drudgery reduction  technology for both men and women.
                                                    BRAIN STORMING
Selected cotton growing farmers through surveys in adopted villages of KrishiVigyan Kendra, Rudrur.
Farmers expressed their willingness for rolling brush stem application instead of spraying.
Interacted with SMS (Entomologist) KVK, Rudrur, reviewed literature and developed the literature on Rolling brush stem application method.
              EXTENSION METHOD
                   CROP STAGE
                         TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATED
                 FARMER’S FEEDBACK
  30 DAYS  45 DAYS  60 DAYS
                    SKILL TEACHING 
Home scientist along with SMS (Entomologist) explained affect of sucking pests in cotton crop in the early stages, damages to the plant which like reduction in the plant growth, effect on flowering, fruiting and transmission of viral diseases and ultimately reduction in yield. Home scientist explained effects of spraying chemical on health.
Literature distribution
Farmers knew about the affect of sucking pests in cotton crop and spraying harmful effects on health.
Conducted training programme on importance of rolling brush stem application for control of sucking pests to farmers. And also conducted method demonstration on rolling brush stem application as per the recommendation of Professor Jayashankar Telangan State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) Vyavasaya Diksuchi, used pesticides for sucking pests in cotton Monocrotophos and water (1:4) at 30, 45 days of sowing and Imidacloprid and water (1:20) at 60 d of sowing. The procedure of mixing of chemical for stem applicator like mixing of 250 ml monocrotophos in 1 litre water in a bucket and dipping rolling stem applicator into the spray fluid bucket .The spray fluid will be absorbed into the high density foam (Sponge) used in rolling stem applicator which can be applied to the base of the stem for about 15- 20 plants.  With one rolling stem applicator by hiring one labour, the chemical can be applied to 10500 plants and 2.5 acres of land.
Farmers expressed that spraying is more laborious process than rolling brush stem application and also affirmed that this technique is well suited for areas where there is severe water scarcity because small quantity of water is required.
Observed parameters for the FLD during demonstration were level of adoptability, time taken for stem application for 1 acre, plants covered and level of acceptability.
Farmers expressed their happiness towards rolling brush stem application rather than spraying.
Literature, power point presentation and vyavasaya diksuchi  
Field note book, chart and marker


Table 1: Paired t-test in pushti weaning mix fed infants weights


YearMaleFemalePre- Test weights MeanPost Test weights MeanMean differenceSDSET valueP value

Table 2: Distribution of adolescent girls according to their clinical sign and Body Mass Index for treatment with normal diet + supplementation of Raagiladdu, Drumstick leaf powder & Iron tablets


S.NoObservationsBefore TreatmentAfterTreatment
1.No clinical sign16 (67%)
2.Clinical sign24 (100%)
a.Pale Conjunctiva12 (50%)
b.Pale tongue11 (46%)
c.Flattening of nails1 (4%)
3.Hemoglobin level  
a.Normal (12 gm/dl) 
b.>12 mg/dl8 (33%)8 (33%)
4.Body Mass Index  
a.Under weight (>18.5)24(100%)24 (100%)
b.Normal weight (18.5 to 24)
5.Other problems15 (63%)

Table 3: Results on Rolling brush stem applicator in cotton for the management of sucking pests as a drudgery reduction technology                                         (n=30)

TreatmentsParametersResults (Observations)
Time requirementLabour requirementChemical dosageLabour charges
CheckFarmers Practice  Normal Practice of spraying in cottonMore time. 3 hours 5 times in crop season  with 2  labour = 30  hours2 labour1L Monocrotophos /200 L water / acreRs. 2500More time. More chemical usage. More labour requirement. More cost. Environmental pollution. Killing beneficial and harmful insects. More  physical stress. 
DemoRolling brush stem applicator in cottonLess time.  6 hrs /day,     3 times during crop season with one labour = 18 hours1 labour250 ml Monocrotophos/L/ acreRs 1500Less time. Less chemical usage. Less labour requirement. Less  cost. No environment pollution. Killing only harmful insects Reduction of physical stress 

Table 4.Features of protective clothing                                                                         (n=30)

S. No.FeaturesCharacteristics of featuresExcellentGoodFairPoorVery PoorWMS
Suitability assessment
c.Size and shape of the garmentAppropriate138634.03
d.Size and shape of collarAppropriate138634.03
e.Size of shirt sleeves and cuffsAppropriate81574.03
Comfort ability assessment
a.Easy to sport 171124.5
c.How long can be wear 1 hr2734.9
d.FabricProtects body from external matters131254.26
  Absorbency of perspiration/pesticide161044.4
1.Shirt (old/new)1. 1-5 days19924.56
  2.  5-10 days20644.53
Adoption feasibility
1.Cost of the new garment  (INR 650/-)Reasonable101284.06

Table 5: Morbidity pattern of protective clothing Vs Normal clothing            (n=30)

Skin allergies301825122510200
NC – Normal Clothing PC – Protective Clothing

Table 6:  Startups with homestead technologies for women entrepreneurship

S.NoName of the technologyName of the identified womenDetails of strategyCost of one unitCost of total unit
1.Rolling brushG. Shilpa W/O G.Gaganan Suddulam ( Village) Kotagiri (mandal), Nizamabad Dist  Instructed on preparation of  Rolling brush through training and obtained the making cost of rolling brush. 200 Rolling Brushes @ Rs. 250/- per brush50,000.00
2.Protective clothingShabana. Akbar nagar, Rudrur mandal, NZB  Imparted training at KVK Rudrur on the preparation of Protective clothing and obtained the cost of making a set of protective clothingRs. 500/- (50 sets)25,000.00
3.  Pushti weaning mixV. Padma, Daughter of Satyanarayana Thimmapur, Birkur Mandal  Imparted training at her home on the preparation of Pushti weaning mix and obtained making charges for 10 kg  product for 2 months500 packets of Pushti weaning mix (100 grams each)   for 2 months business50,000.00
4.Raagiladdu and drumstick leaf powderVanajakshi.V, Self Help group member, Akbarnagar Rudrur mandal, NZB        Imparted training  to SHG  on the preparation of Raagiladdu and drumstick leaf powder50,000.0050,000.00

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