Exploring Foliar and Soil Pathogens Impacting Melia dubia: Documentation and Characterization

Melia dubia, is a species known for its fast growth and available market, but it has certain
challenge associated with pathogens infecting soil and foliage.
Identification of the diseases and studying the cultural and morphological characteristics of
foliar and soil-borne pathogens associated with Melia dubia can provide valuable insights
into their identification, behavior, and management. The identification of multiple
pathogens associated with foliar and soil-borne diseases, requires a thorough understanding
of their diverse growth patterns, cultural behaviors, and morphological traits.The purpose of
this study is to focus on the major foliar diseases and soil-borne diseases. The study
involved collection of the diseased samples from the nursery and plantation. Later, isolation
of pathogens from infected Melia dubia seedlings and trees using Potato Dextrose Agar
(PDA) and identifying them based on cultural and morphological characteristics. Key
pathogens identified include Fusarium moniliformis, Phoma sp, Rhizoctonia solani ,
Lasiodiplodia theobromae , and Pythium sp. The research outlines their growth on different
media and provides detailed observations on colony and conidial characteristics. This
comprehensive analysis underlines the need for targeted research and management
strategies to address disease outbreaks in Melia dubia plantations, emphasizing the
importance of disease characterization for effective control measures.